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Developing curriculum leadership

Explore the leadership of curriculum intent, implementation and impact on pupil outcomes and apply to your own role and context.

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Course outline

Developing curriculum leadership is ideally suited to those who oversee the creation of a curriculum in school, from heads of Key Stage, to those moving into roles as curriculum leader. It is also appropriate for those who have been in post for a while, or those that simply want to improve the quality of the education for the children. The course will begin by looking at what is essential in the curriculum and how you can review your own curriculum to make sure it is as effective as it can be. This course will equip you with the knowledge and understanding to ensure that the education of the children and young people in your charge get the best possible education.

Course content

  • The substance of education
  • National expectations for the curriculum
  • Curriculum review
  • Leading curriculum planning
  • Monitoring the quality of teaching
  • Teaching skills for excellence
  • The importance of subject expertise
  • Effective use of assessment
  • Assessing the impact of the curriculum

Course details

Course length: spread over a 2 week window
Total course time: 7-8 hours
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Customer endorsements

  • “We have been very impressed with the quality of the online courses and have received excellent feedback from participants about their experiences. We have also been able to build on the learning from the online courses in the face-to-face days. The NPQonline facilitators really help to challenge participants’ thinking. The quality of resources is outstanding.”
    • - Surrey Schools Teaching Network
  • “Working with the team from NPQonline has been a dream. They have been extremely professional and responsive to all our needs, impeccable service! I would highly recommend NPQonline as an excellent source for supporting any NPQ programme.”
    • - Lambeth Teaching School Alliance
  • “NPQonline develop their programmes to an extremely high specification ensuring high quality content and up-to-date material. NPQonline continues to provide LSSW with state of the art programmes which form a significant part of our offer. Feedback can best be described as excellent.”
    • - Leading Schools South West (Cornwall & Devon)
  • “We chose NPQonline because they had the broadest expertise, and were open to working together in partnership, a key part of our original license bid. Their style and approach mirrors our open and friendly, yet challenging support for candidates at all levels, and the highest expectations of participation and success rates.”
    • - School Improvement Liverpool